Photo by Artur Oleszczuk

I Edition
Si­lence of the Body/
Mil­czące Ciało
Inter­national Mime Art Thea­tre Presen­tations

Organized by: Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts
Author and artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski

Featured performances:
Anxiety / Mime Art Theatre

Guest performances:
Presentation / Philippe Minella
Presentation / Marek Oleksy



Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts

Poster avers
Poster revers

Dear All, "Silence of the Body—International Mime Art Theatre Workshops" are my recent artistic endeavor, carried out by the Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts in Warsaw. Since 2005, the Centre has hosted The Mimes Studio, run by myself. In the Studio, I continue work directed at exploring and mastering the art of the silent actor who creates his own original theatre of movements. In order to appreciate the beauty and the mystery the mime art theatre (modern art of mime), we must first concentrate on the work of the mime actor, who has consciously resigned from the spoken word in his theatre and chosen movement as the most important means of expression. The mime actor acts in the sphere of movement and motionlessness, and so in the sphere of deep internal contemplation and the dynamic diversity of changes of the body. His silent body becomes the instrument of drama expression and the mirror of transformations of thoughts and emotional experiences. Mime acting should be the essence of the truth, i.e. an authentic internal experience of the actor. The power of the mime art does not depend on the innovativeness of the performance, or the stage props, costumes, lighting, decoration, neither does it depend on music. The decisive factor is only the actor himself. I do not hesitate to say that the source and essence of the art of acting in movement theatre is the art of mime corectly understood, in which the mime artist becomes a silent actor. Therefore I called the workshops "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało". Stefan Niedziałkowski


New performance of The Mimes Studio of Stefan Niedziałkowski entitled "Anxiety" will be presented each day during the workshops at 19:30. All interested in workshops participation are requested to send their name, surname and phone number by email

+48 0 22 586 42 14

Featured Performances

Anxiety performance thumbnail


Mime Art Theatre

Guest Artists

Philippe Minella

Actor, mime, dancer, choreographer, director. He studied at Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris Marcel Marceau and with mime artists like: Maximilien Decroux, Paweł Rouba and Stefan Niedziałkowski. Additionally Ludwik Flaszen led him into secrets of Teatr Laboratorium (Theatre Laboratory) of Jerzy Grotowski, and Caroline Mercade contributed to form his creative personality with reference to modern dance. Often involved as an author and director of experimental theatre, he has a lot of theatre and movie roles in his output. He realises himself as a pedagogue. In 1995 in Switzerland with Iris Weder he established „Éclat. Choreographisches Theater”, where they both create new plays.

Marek Oleksy

Mime artist, teacher of mime technique. He debuted in 1971 at Wrocław Pantomime Theatre of Henryk Tomaszewski, where—over thirty years—he took part in every play. In 1989 he was the Theatre's general director. He taught mime techniques in Tomaszewski's team, led International Mime Worskhops in the Center for Research on Jerzy Grotowski's Artistic Activity in Wrocław. In 1993 he played the role of Jahrzehntelaufer ”Dienstag aus Licht” composition of Karl Stochausen's at the Opera in Leipzig. Laureate of numerous awards, most notably: Brown Spire, Silvery medal of meritorious cultural activist, artistic achievements Wrocław award and silvery order of merit. In the years 2003–2007 a lecturer of mime at Cracovian Theatre Akademy (PWST) in non-local faculty in Wrocław.