Photo by Artur Oleszczuk

II Edition
Si­lence of the Body/
Mil­czące Ciało
Inter­national Mime Art Thea­tre Presen­tations

Organized by: Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts
Financed by: The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Author and artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski

Featured performances:
Coexistence / Mime Art Theatre

Guest performances:
Presentation / Yves Marc
Presentation / JIDAI
Presentation / Marek Oleksy



ZASP / Central Artistic Pool


This year's edition of "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" consists of workshops for registered participants and presentations to the public. During the four days of the event, Stefan Niedziałkowski and invited artists: Marek Oleksy, JIDAI (Japan) and Yves Marc (France) will conduct workshops with registered participants. After each day of workshops, on 29th, 30th and 31st of May presentations will take place: premiere of the new performance "Coexistence" performed by The Mimes Studio company, Mime Art Theatre, as well as lecture demonstrations to the public presented by invited artists and Stefan Niedziałkowski.


All interested in workshops participation are requested to complete an application form and to send it by e-mail. The number of participants is limited. Admission confirmation will be send by e-mail.

+48 22 586 42 14

Featured Performances

Coexistence performance thumbnail


Mime Art Theatre

Guest Artists


JIDAI is from Tokyo. He began his independent study of pantomime in 1985. He studied Japanese traditional dance Nihon-Buyou with Tamasaho Fujima. He gained knowledge about Mime Art Theatre from Terry Press—the best student and assistant to Stefan Niedziałkowski. In 2010, he started "JIDAI Organic Mime" and in 2012, founded and became a chairman of Japan Art Mime Society. His theatre is both poetic and surreal: it mixes poetry with his original mime technique "human computer graphics". JIDAI has performed during fashion shows, operas, and dance performances. His other pursuits include martial arts, meditation, and methods of breathing. He has written four books and published three exercise DVDs on the topic of body and mind.

Marek Oleksy

Mime artist, teacher of mime technique. He debuted in 1971 at Wrocław Pantomime Theatre of Henryk Tomaszewski, where—over thirty years—he took part in every play. In 1989 he was the Theatre's general director. He taught mime techniques in Tomaszewski's team, led International Mime Worskhops in the Center for Research on Jerzy Grotowski's Artistic Activity in Wrocław. In 1993 he played the role of Jahrzehntelaufer ”Dienstag aus Licht” composition of Karl Stochausen's at the Opera in Leipzig. Laureate of numerous awards, most notably: Brown Spire, Silvery medal of meritorious cultural activist, artistic achievements Wrocław award and silvery order of merit. In the years 2003–2007 a lecturer of mime at Cracovian Theatre Akademy (PWST) in non-local faculty in Wrocław.

Yves Marc

Actor, director, teacher. Artistic Co-Director with Claire Heggen of the Théâtre du Mouvement from 1975 to 2017. Artistic Co-Director of La Ferme de Trielle (Auvergne)—since its inception in 1974. Founding member of the European Mime Federation. Co-founder of Les Transversales, Académie européenne des Arts du Geste, Itinéraire Culturel du Conseil de l'Europe—1993. Co-initiator and member of GLAM (Groupe de Liaison des Arts du Mime et du Geste). Synergologist and NLP technician (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Sponsor of the MIMAGES festival, directed by Philippe Phénieux and the Compagnie Zinzoline, Saint-Péray.

Jerzy Fornal

A meeting with actor Jerzy Fornal is planned, the creator of One Man Theatre "Espero" in Esperanto language.