Photo by Artur Oleszczuk

III Edition
Si­lence of the Body/
Mil­czące Ciało
Inter­national Mime Art Thea­tre Presen­tations

Organized by: Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts
Author and artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski

Featured performances:
Meritum / Essence / Mime Art Theatre

Guest performances:
Lecture demonstration / Lina do Carmo
Lecture demonstration / Thomas Leabhart
Lecture demonstration / Yves Marc and Claire Heggen



Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Arts


This year's edition of "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" consists of workshops for registered participants and presentations to the public. During the five days of the event, Stefan Niedziałkowski and invited artists: Claire Heggen, Yves Marc (France), Lina do Carmo (Brazil / Germany), Thomas Leabhart (USA) will conduct workshops with registered participants. After each day of workshops, presentations will take place: premiere of the new Stefan Niedziałkowski performance, "Meritum / Essence," performed by The Mimes Studio company, Mime Art Theatre, as well as lecture demonstrations to the public presented by the invited artists and Stefan Niedziałkowski.


All interested in workshops participation are requested to complete an application form and to send it by e-mail before 25th of May 2011. The number of participants is limited. Admission confirmation will be send by e-mail.

+48 505 891 277

Featured Performances

Meritum / Essence performance thumbnail

Meritum / Essence

Mime Art Theatre

Guest Artists

Claire Heggen

Co-director of Théâtre du Mouvement with Yves Marc since 1975. She studied corporal mime with Etienne Decroux and mastered various techniques and aesthetics (high level sport, classical and contemporary dance, eutonie, kinesiology). She conceives the art of acting and contemporary mime as a large concept, integrating Etienne Decroux heritage and based on the dramatization of movement and gestuality. This includes textual and object theatre engaging the body. Hence the actor's means of expression—his body—is placed at the very core of their artistic process of creation.

Yves Marc

Actor, director, teacher. Artistic Co-Director with Claire Heggen of the Théâtre du Mouvement from 1975 to 2017. Artistic Co-Director of La Ferme de Trielle (Auvergne)—since its inception in 1974. Founding member of the European Mime Federation. Co-founder of Les Transversales, Académie européenne des Arts du Geste, Itinéraire Culturel du Conseil de l'Europe—1993. Co-initiator and member of GLAM (Groupe de Liaison des Arts du Mime et du Geste). Synergologist and NLP technician (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Sponsor of the MIMAGES festival, directed by Philippe Phénieux and the Compagnie Zinzoline, Saint-Péray.

Lina do Carmo

Choreographer and dancer, she has lived in Germany and Brazil for many years. After studying dance and theater in Brazil and the United States, she studied mime in Paris with Marcel Marceau. In her artistic work, she combines body expression techniques with the imaginative sources of her roots, creating a unique and organic body language in solo and group performances such as: "Victoria Regia," "Fugitus," and "Viajante Da Luz." The creations conceived by Lina do Carmo are an expression of her cultural identity. Using her body, she translates emotions and stories drawn from her native culture into the language of dance art. In addition, she is a lecturer at Tanzhaus in Düsseldorf, Tanz Woche in Vienna and Ecole de Mimodrame in Paris, among others.

Thomas Leabhart

American corporeal mime and corporeal mime teacher. Studied at the Ecole de Mime Etienne Decroux, Paris under the instruction of Etienne Decroux from 1968 to 1972. He currently performs and teaches regularly in France and has performed and taught workshops worldwide. He is editor of Mime Journal and has authored over 35 articles. Resident artist and professor of theatre at Pomona College in Claremont, California. Leabhart is the most published writer on the subject of Corporeal Mime—chronicling its rise and development in the modern theatre. He continues to publish translations of Decroux's writings and methods in English. He is also the author of one of the standard works on modern mime, "Modern and Post-Modern Mime" (Macmillan in London and St. Martin's Press, NYC).