Photo by Julia Mieczkowska

V Edition
Si­lence of the Body/
Mil­czące Ciało
Inter­national Mime Art Thea­tre Presen­tations

Organized by: ZASP with IMKA Theatre and MCKiS
Financed by: The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Author and artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski

Featured performances:
Natchnienie / Spirit / Mime Art Theatre

Guest performances:
Presentation / Terry Press and Nobuko Press Kayashima
Presentation / Philippe Minella and Iris Weder
Presentation / Lina do Carmo



IMKA Theatre / MCKiS


This year's edition of "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" consists of workshops, presentations and a premiere of Mime Art Theatre perfomance. During the event, registered participants will have a chance to work with: Stefan Niedziałkowski (Poland), Terry Press (Canada / Mexico), Nobuko Press Kayashima (Japan / Mexico), Philippe Minella (France / Switzerland), Iris Weder (Switzerland), Lina do Carmo (Germany / Brazil). After each day of workshops the new performance by Mime Art Theatre directed by Stefan Niedziałkowski, "Natchnienie / Spirit," will be presented. After the performance, short lecture demonstrations to the public will follow, presented by Stefan Niedziałkowski and the guest artists.


All interested in workshops participation are requested to complete an application form and to send it by e-mail before 20th of May 2013. The number of participants is limited. Admission confirmation will be send by e-mail.

+48 505 891 277

Featured Performances

Natchnienie / Spirit performance thumbnail

Natchnienie / Spirit

Mime Art Theatre

Guest Artists

Lina do Carmo

Choreographer and dancer, she has lived in Germany and Brazil for many years. After studying dance and theater in Brazil and the United States, she studied mime in Paris with Marcel Marceau. In her artistic work, she combines body expression techniques with the imaginative sources of her roots, creating a unique and organic body language in solo and group performances such as: "Victoria Regia," "Fugitus," and "Viajante Da Luz." The creations conceived by Lina do Carmo are an expression of her cultural identity. Using her body, she translates emotions and stories drawn from her native culture into the language of dance art. In addition, she is a lecturer at Tanzhaus in Düsseldorf, Tanz Woche in Vienna and Ecole de Mimodrame in Paris, among others.

Philippe Minella

Actor, mime, dancer, choreographer, director. He studied at Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris Marcel Marceau and with mime artists like: Maximilien Decroux, Paweł Rouba and Stefan Niedziałkowski. Additionally Ludwik Flaszen led him into secrets of Teatr Laboratorium (Theatre Laboratory) of Jerzy Grotowski, and Caroline Mercade contributed to form his creative personality with reference to modern dance. Often involved as an author and director of experimental theatre, he has a lot of theatre and movie roles in his output. He realises himself as a pedagogue. In 1995 in Switzerland with Iris Weder he established „Éclat. Choreographisches Theater”, where they both create new plays.

Iris Weder

Co-founder of “Éclat. Choreographisches Theater.” She gained her knowledge of movement theatre at the Theatre Lucerne ballet school, and Pedagogy and Movement Analysis, Chladek System at the Basel School. She continued her studies in Paris at the Ecole Internationale de Theatre Jacques Lecoq, and at the mime school l'Ecole de Mime Corporel Dramatique Paris run by assistants Etienne Decroux, Steve Wasson and Corinne Soum, where she performed at their Theatre de l'Ange fou. For the past ten years she has coordinated the project “Theaterlink—schedul for young audiences and schools.” Since 2005 she co-created a festival called “Figuren Theater Festival Basel,” and in 2006, for Disentis-Sedrun, she prepared the first festival called “Figurentheater Festival of Grisons.”

Terry Press

He worked with Stefan Niedzialkowski in New York from 1981 to 1990, serving as a lecturer at Stefan Niedzialkowski's New York Academy of Mime, and was also his assistant, as well as an actor playing leading roles in Niedzialkowski's theater group called "Mimedance Theatre." After leaving New York in 1991, he moved to Tokyo, where he founded a school for mimes "Mime Class," where he spent 15 years exploring Emotional Movement. While in Japan, influenced by “Butoh Dance” and using techniques taught to him by Stefan Niedziałkowski, he created his own unique style of teaching and exercises, which form the basis for Emotional Movement.

Nobuko Press Kayashima

Actress and co-founder of E-Movement Theatre. She learned the art of mime in Tokyo from Terry Press. They both currently reside in Mexico, where they continue their artistic work.