“Beyond the Word—the World of Mime”
Stefan Niedziałkowski with Jonathan Winslow
- USA, 1993
- Preface: Marcel Marceau
Publisher: Momentum Books - “Jonathan Winslow made it possible for me to express my thoughts in English... for his invaluable contribution to the book I am very grateful to him...”
“Świat Mimu”
Stefan Niedziałkowski
- Poland, 1998
- Preface: Marcel Marceau
Translation: Elżbieta Pastecka
Publisher: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne - “(...) Also, a huge thank you goes to Elzbieta Pastecka, who translated the book into Polish. This gave me the opportunity to make many additions to the current edition, because from the perspective of several years already (the book was published in America in 1993) I found it necessary to add new thoughts and insights.”
“Teatr Sztuki Mimu. Mime Art Theatre”
Stefan Niedziałkowski
- Poland, 2014
- Preface: Stefan Niedziałkowski
Publisher: Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego