Photo by Artur Oleszczuk

IX Edition
Si­lence of the Body/
Mil­czące Ciało
Inter­national Mime Art Thea­tre Presen­tations

Organized by: Mazovia Institute of Culture
Author and artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski

Featured performances:
Ephemeral Existences / Mime Art Theatre

Guest performances:
Presentation / JIDAI


16/12/2018 / 18:00

Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute

"Kreator" film poster

The 9th International Mime Art Theatre Presentations "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" will take place on the 16th December 2018 at Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw. During the event, premiere of the the latest performance directed by Stefan Niedziałkowski, "Ephemeral Existences," will take place, along with a presentation by JIDAI, the guest artist of this year's edition and screening of the film "Kreator", created in collaboration between Andrzej Michałowski and Stefan Niedziałkowski.

Featured Performances

Ephemeral Existences performance thumbnail

Ephemeral Existences

Mime Art Theatre

Guest Artists


JIDAI is from Tokyo. He began his independent study of pantomime in 1985. He studied Japanese traditional dance Nihon-Buyou with Tamasaho Fujima. He gained knowledge about Mime Art Theatre from Terry Press—the best student and assistant to Stefan Niedziałkowski. In 2010, he started "JIDAI Organic Mime" and in 2012, founded and became a chairman of Japan Art Mime Society. His theatre is both poetic and surreal: it mixes poetry with his original mime technique "human computer graphics". JIDAI has performed during fashion shows, operas, and dance performances. His other pursuits include martial arts, meditation, and methods of breathing. He has written four books and published three exercise DVDs on the topic of body and mind.

Screening of the film "Kreator"

The film depicts creative work of Stefan Niedziałkowski in his Mime Art Theatre. Stefan Niedziałkowski aims to present the mime artist as a silent actor-creator. The documentary was created in collaboration between Andrzej Michałowski and Stefan Niedziałkowski. Shooting for the film began in February 2015.