Photo by Julia Mieczkowska

VII Edition
Si­lence of the Body/
Mil­czące Ciało
Inter­national Mime Art Thea­tre Presen­tations

Organized by: Mazovia Institute of Culture
Author and artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski

Featured performances:
Actor Of Silence
At Work
/ Mime Art Theatre

Guest performances:
Presentation / Rui Ishihara


30–31/05/2015 / 19:00

Mazovia Institute of Culture


This year during the "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" the entire attention will be focused on the creative work of the actor of silence. The Workshops, for those participating, will occur only as a first part of the Presentation for the Public on May 30th and 31st 2015 in MIK in Warsaw. The workshop participants will work for an hour on stage in front of the public with Stefan Niedziałkowski and the dancer Rui Ishihara. After a short intermission, the premiere of the Mime Art Theatre performance entitled "Actor of Silence at Work" will begin. The performance is an invitation for the public into the Studio in which the unique work on the body as a not entirely discovered instrument and mirror is happening. That mirror allows the actor to express his or her thoughts, emotional stages, and human experiences. As always, the performance is created especially for this occasion by Stefan Niedziałkowski. The exercises, rehearsals, and fragments of the performances will be created in direct contact with the viewer. After the premiere of the performance there will be a meeting between the public, artists, and workshop participants. During the event, fragments of a documentary film about the work of the Actor of Silence–Creator, which is currently being created in collaboration between Stefan Niedziałkowski and Andrzej Michałowski, will be made. The work on the film began in February 2015 and will continue thoroughout the year. Before each evening's event, on May 30th and 31st, the public as well as those participating in workshops will be asked for their permission to be filmed.


This year, Stefan Niedziałkowski invited Rui Ishihara, Japanese dancer, to teach a workshop and to present the essence of his art form. Those interested in this year's workshops should complete an application and send it to Stefan Niedziałkowski via email by May 10th 2015. For this year's unusual workshops only seven people will be selected to participate. That's why we ask for early application so that Stefan Niedziałkowski can talk with each candidate, to make a decision. To take part in the event, each participant will need to consent to the possibility of being filmed and potentially appearing in the film.

+48 505 891 277

Featured Performances

Actor Of Silence At Work performance thumbnail

Actor Of Silence
At Work

Mime Art Theatre

Guest Artists

Rui Ishihara

Dancer and choreographer. Deeply inspired by Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno, founders of butoh dance. He started his career in 2000, first as a contemporary dancer. He found the direction of his artistic path through meetings with such dancers as Kazuo Ohno, Min Tanaka, Simone Forti (postmodern dance). In 2006, he began his life project „Kanademai”, a dance pilgrimage. He gives offering dance in variety of natural and artificial locations. It appeared, so far, in Italy, Ireland, France, Germany, Poland and Japan. He collaborates with various artists and musicians in Europe. In 2009 he settled in Warsaw. In recent years, while working as a dancer and choreographer, he started exploring different fields of arts, among others acting and singing, which broaden his perspective in his research.