Organized by: Mazovia Institute of Culture
Author and artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski
Featured performances:
The Tangle
Of The Mind
/ Junko Koma
/ Małgorzata Zdrojek–Toniszewska
Ephemeral Existences
/ Mime Art Theatre
Guest performances:
Parallel / JIDAI
01/06/2019 / 18:00
Mazovia Institute of Culture
55th anniversary of Stefan Niedziałkowski artistic work
Ladies and Gentlemen, The 10th edition of the International Mime Art Theatre Presentations "Silence of the Body/ Milczące Ciało" is to be the exceptional event for it is also the 55th anniversary of my artistic work in the mime theatre. On that occasion, I prepared "Ephemeral Existences" performance which premiere was staged on 16th December 2018 at The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw. This spectacle is to be the first performance since then. I am pleased to see JIDAI accepting the invitation and coming once again from Tokyo to present his latest work. I have also invited MUTSUMI and NEIRO, butoh dancers, whose artistic work, in terms of concentration and inner experiences, is close to the work of the actor of silence—the creator. For the first time at the International Mime Art Theatre Presentations "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" we will see the work of my Mime Art Theatre actresses in the presentations created specifically for the occasion. Junko Koma and Małgorzata Zdrojek-Toniszewska will stage their own premieres of performances each for the first time. Małgorzata’s presentation is also her very first debut. To some extend the artists’ presentations for this project "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" differ from the performance. During their presentation, the artist should reveal the essence of his or her artistic work; therefore, a performance itself does not need to reflect the production equipped with complete set of stage design or proper number of the stage lighting changes. Depending on the creator’s concept, a performance may or may not be accompanied by the music, as the most important thing is to reveal their own way of thinking and convey that thinking beyond the words. However, if a person presenting their performance needs to talk to the audience before or after performance, it is always very welcome. The International Mime Art Theatre Presentations "Silence of the Body / Milczące Ciało" provide unique opportunity for the audience to get deeper insight into the artist and their work. Stefan Niedziałkowski
Featured Performances
Guest Performances


Guest Artists

She started practicing classical ballet when she was 3. In junior high school she began training rhythmic gymnastics with success, taking part in competitions, including national tournaments and National Sports Festival of Japan. However, due to an injury incurred during her studies in Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education she had to stop all her activity in dance. 10 years after, she encountered Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno's dance, which moved her so deeply that she was able to start dancing again. In 2009, she came to Tokyo to study under Yoshito Ohno at Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio where she met her partner, NEIRO. She took part in Mitsuyo Uesugi’s workshop "Kayoukai".
Studied "Art Mime" under JIDAI, and Butoh under Yoshito Ohno. In 2010 he moved to Warsaw to study mime art theatre under Stefan Niedziałkowski. He played various roles in Niedziałkowski's Mime Art Theatre Company, notably, among others, the lead role in "Tożsamość / Identity” (Teatr IMKA, 2012). As an independent solo mime performer "Cisza Kwiatow / Hana Shizuka" (Scena Luberska 30/32, 2012). In June 2012, he returned to Japan. Since then, from the first meeting with MUTSUMI at Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio, he works with her as a duet MUTSUMI NEIRO.
JIDAI is from Tokyo. He began his independent study of pantomime in 1985. He studied Japanese traditional dance Nihon-Buyou with Tamasaho Fujima. He gained knowledge about Mime Art Theatre from Terry Press—the best student and assistant to Stefan Niedziałkowski. In 2010, he started "JIDAI Organic Mime" and in 2012, founded and became a chairman of Japan Art Mime Society. His theatre is both poetic and surreal: it mixes poetry with his original mime technique "human computer graphics". JIDAI has performed during fashion shows, operas, and dance performances. His other pursuits include martial arts, meditation, and methods of breathing. He has written four books and published three exercise DVDs on the topic of body and mind.
Paintings Exhibition / Joseph Begnaud
Joseph Begnaud is an American painter, Associate Professor of painting and drawing at the Art Department of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.